Crescent City Derailment Summary Report
Derailment of Amtrak Auto Train P052-18 on
the CSXT Railroad Near Crescent City, Florida
April 18, 2002
NTSB Number RAR-03/02
NTIS Number PB2003-916302
To read, or save to disk, the NTSB official 82 page report in
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Executive Summary:
About 5:08 p.m. eastern daylight time on April 18, 2002, northbound National
Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak) train P052-18, the Auto Train, derailed
21 of 40 cars on CSX Transportation (CSXT) track near Crescent City, Florida.
The train derailed in a left-hand curve while traveling about 56 mph. The train
was carrying 413 passengers and 33 Amtrak employees. The derailment resulted in
4 fatalities, 36 serious injuries, and 106 minor injuries. The equipment and
track costs associated with the accident totaled about $8.3 million.
The National Transportation Safety Board determines that the probable cause of the April 18, 2002, derailment of Amtrak Auto Train P052-18 near Crescent City, Florida, was a heat-induced track buckle that developed because of inadequate CSX Transportation track-surfacing operations, including misalignment of the curve, insufficient track restraint, and failure to reestablish an appropriate neutral rail temperature.
The safety issues addressed in the report are:
Other items discussed in the report include:
As a result of its investigation of this accident, the Safety Board makes
safety recommendations to CSXT, Amtrak, the Federal Railroad Administration,
and the Transportation Security Administration.